Drop Zone User Guide

An easy drag drop workflow helper. Drag C4D parameters into the Drop Zone to automatically create and setup Signal and HDRI Link tags on your objects.

Dock Drop Zone anywhere in the C4D interface. i.e. Above your Attributes panel.

  • Drag and Drop parameters into the Zone to create Signal and HDRI Link tags.
    • Filename and Texture will create an HDRI Link Tag.
    • By default Color will create a Signal tag, but if you hold down CTRL it will instead create an HDRI
    • Link Tag, useful for Arnold Sky which uses color for both.
  • You can drag Area Light texture into Drop Zone and it will create HDRI Link tag.
  • You can drag Bokeh texture of Camera into Drop Zone and it will create HDRI Link tag.
  • Drag and Drop in a Camera to create a GorillaCam Tag.
  • When it is going to create a Signal Tag it will show the Signal icon.
  • When it is going to create an HDRI Tag it will show the HDRI Link icon.
  • When it is going to create a GorillaCam Tag it will show the GorillaCam icon.

Compatibility and System Requirements:

All of our plugins have the same system requirements as the host Cinema 4D. If you can run Cinema 4D, you will be able to run our plugins. Check Maxon's compatibility page here for a complete list of system requirements. 

Host Applications:

We currently support Cinema 4D R20 and up.

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