How to use Area Light Maps in Blender

  1. After you download and extract the Area Light Map texture, start Blender and add an Area Light to your scene. Select Cycles as render engine and enable Viewport Shading: Rendered mode. Also go to World Properties > Surface and reduce the "Strength" value so you can see the Areal Light texture better when you load it.
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  1. Select the Area Light and go to Object Data Properties. Select "Square" as shape. Adjust the "Size" and "Power" depending on your scene.
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  1. Select your Area Light and then go to Shader Editor and switch to Object Shader. Use shortcut "Shift + A" and select Texture > Image Texture to add the node. Click Open on the Image Texture node and browse for the downloaded ".exr" file and open it.
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  1. If you enable "Node Wrangler" from Preferences > Add-ons you can use the shortcut "Ctrl + T" to add "Texture Coordinate" and "Mapping" nodes, then delete the "Texture Coordinate" node since we don't need it. Use shortcut "Shift + A" and select Input > Geometry to add the node.

    Connect "Geometry - Parametric" output to "Mapping - Vector" and set the extrapolation type to "Clip" on the Image Texture node.

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