Plus Library Node Materials

Plus Library has a new feature that allows you to create your materials as new node material or shader graph (Xpresso) material.

  1. First you need to select your renderer from Renderer dropdown menu - Arnold or Redshift. (see 1 in image below) 
  2. When you are using Arnold or Redshift materials from Plus Library, you are able to select Xpresso or Node from dropdown menu. (see 2 in image below)

This feature is compatible with Arnold and Redshift (Octane has its own node system). 

Works on Cinema 4D R24, R25, R26, 2023 and 2024 versions. Requires Redshift 3.5.13 and up, Arnold and up versions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If this feature is not available for you please update your Greyscalegorilla HUB and plugins. You can follow this detailed HUB install guide.

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