How do I migrate from HUB Plus Library to Greyscalegorilla Studio?
As a Cinema 4D user you can work with HUB and Studio simultaneously.
- You can see the comparison of HUB and Studio from this link.
- Studio includes materials and assets (Models, HDRIs, Gobos, Bokehs, Surface Imperfections and Area Light Maps)
- HUB includes materials, assets and the plugins.
Important Notes:
- HUB > Plus Library assets are not compatible with Studio.
- HUB > Plus Library assets folder cannot be used with Studio.
- For Studio you need to download the assets again when you need to use them.
- Studio requires its own assets folder and assets.
- Make sure you set a different folder and this folder should not be inside HUB assets folder.
- While you can download materials as collection packs via HUB, Studio only allows individual downloads of assets which provides instant access to any asset.
HUB only content:
- Procedural materials: Car paint, neon, some glass and liquid materials are exclusive to HUB Plus Library. They will be added to the Studio in future updates.
HUB Plugins:
- To continue using Greyscalegorilla plugins you need to keep the HUB installed.
- If you want to free up some space in your harddrive you can follow this guide to remove collections.
- Please follow this installation guide for Greyscalegorilla Studio - Cinema 4D
Relinking Assets
HUB Plus Library and Studio assets have different naming convention. And that prevents bulk relinking. You can replace one by one or re-assign over the old assets from Studio.
- HDRI example:
- Material example: "C Gold Polished” from EMC collection
C_Gold_Polished_DIFF.jpg (HUB)
C_Gold_Polished_METAL.jpg (HUB)
C_Gold_Polished_NORM_OGL.jpg (HUB)
C_Gold_Polished_ROUGH.jpg (HUB)
Project Asset Inspector - showing missing assets from HUB
RS Asset Manager - showing missing assets from HUB
Right-click > “Replace Files With” works however requires selecting each asset one by one.
This workflow is exact same for Project Asset Inspector, Octane Texture Manager and Arnold Asset/Tx Manager.
*Right-click > “Relink Files” doesn’t work because C4D looks for exact same file names.
RS Asset Manager - after assets manually relinked.